Grade 2 News

Travelling Kitchen Incursion

On Wednesday the 17th of May, the Travelling Kitchen zoomed into Sirius College for the Grade 2 Incursion. All the students were very excited to learn about hygiene, healthy eating and cooking.

Grade 2 Students prepared and cook a pizza each. All students enjoyed themselves and loved their extra goodie bag to take home.

Travelling Kitchen Incursion
Travelling Kitchen Incursion
Click images to enlarge

Sequencing in Grade 2

Grade 2 Students quietly working through a sequencing activity for Possum Magic. :)

Grade 3 News

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a special day when we can celebrate the special people in our lives. They can be your mother, sister, cousin, grandma, aunt, a family friend or even a teacher. How do you celebrate Mother’s Day? Do you make breakfast in bed for your mum, or give her a card or gift? Although these are common things to do in Australia today, mothers have been celebrated in many different ways for a very long time.

3D worked very hard preparing their special booklet for their mums and they were super excited to share this with their mothers.

Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day
Click images to enlarge

Grade 3 Zoo Camp

Camping in a Zoo is a unique experience. The grade 3 students had so much fun. The students had a chance to explore the Melbourne zoo at night. Students were excited to see the Giraffes and Elephants. The next day we had great breakfast and the students cleaned up. After we packed up, we start walking around to explore more. Camp hosts were knowledgeable, friendly and allowed us to do our own thing or participate in group activities. It was a unique experience and was fun for the kids. I want to thank Duygu Dikbas for joining us and Safak Goker for organising the Melbourne zoo camp.

Recount by Sumaya and Mayar

First we arrived at school by 5pm. We went to the zoo with a bus. When we got there we arranged our tents for the night. We did a very fun “Survivor “challenge. Then we ate dinner which was chicken skewers, sausages, salads and corn.

After we ate our dinner we went on our night walk. It was dark and some of us got scared. On the walk we saw lots of animals like elephants, reptiles and monkeys. We even got to feed the elephant named Bong Su.

When we got back to the camp site we drank hot chocolate. Later, we brushed our teeth and went to sleep.

In the morning we had our breakfast, cleaned our tents and packed our bags. When all of the hard yakka was finished our guides, Stella and Sarah took us on another walk. We had the whole zoo to ourselves.

Overall, it was our first camp; we had the best day of our lives and wish that all of the others will be just as fun.

By Sumaya and Mayar 3D